During a recent staff meeting a question was posed and open for discussion. The discussion was lively and quite fun.
The question was “What kind of changes are parents seeing in their students after enrollment in the HOPE Learning Disability Therapy Program?” It was exciting to hear the stories and what we came out with was a list of 9 common improvements.
- Improved self confidence.
- Improved posture.
- A cleaner room.
- More direct eye contact.
- Improved perception and use of detail.
- Beginning to read everything-cereal boxes, billboards, tee shirts, etc.
- Improved communication.
- Improved reading comprehension
- Improved hand writing.
Everyone agreed that a prediction cannot be made as to the length of time the student may need to be on the program, and that setting an objective is important. These suggestions can serve as the “mile markers” on the road to success
Learning; Life- Changing; Hope; Positively Outrageous Student.
Amy Highland
Amy is a Christian mother of three amazing adults, a small business owner, and the director of student services for Essential Learning Institute. Her passion is helping children who are struggling to learn, find and reach their potential. Her daily motto is, “Find the joy in your moments”